Have your web-based assets continuously monitored through VSAM. This automated vulnerability scanning service ensures common and generic issues are caught quickly, significantly reducing an attacker’s window of opportunity.
VSAM is currently available on W2S2, our platform for web security services.
It is most effective against:
- Vulnerabilities newly introduced by changes to your code or configuration.
- Vulnerabilities on freshly deployed assets.
- Vulnerabilities disclosed in first-time public announcements (i.e. CVEs and company publications)
- Exposed sensitive files and endpoints
Early detection & mitigation.
Compared to traditional quarterly or biannual vulnerability scanning, which leaves a multi-month window for vulnerabilities to arise and attackers to find and exploit them, VSAM can reduce that period to a few hours for most detectable bugs.
Instant Alerts & Reporting
VSAM findings are immediately sent to you via notification channels of your choice. Past and current findings are also recorded and displayed in a dedicated web interface to which you’ll have access anytime & anywhere.
Time and Resource Efficiency
Manual vulnerability assessment and monitoring can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. VSAM streamlines this process by automating the scanning and monitoring tasks, enabling your IT and security teams to focus on analyzing results and implementing remediation measures rather than spending excessive time on routine tasks.